The new snow plan for the 2024-2025 winter season, prepared by Viabilità Italia, is now available. The plan includes the necessary measures to prevent and address road circulation issues caused by adverse weather conditions, specifying the actions that Road Police authorities and the road and highway Concessionaires and Owners will take in the event of snow, ice, or fog.
On the web page dedicated to the “Snow Plan 2024/2025” on the Ministry of the Interior – State Police website, in addition to a descriptive information note about the plan (attached), the following documents are available:
• The guidelines with color codes indicating the intensity of snowfall;
• The highway sections where a temporary stop of heavy vehicles may be enforced and the areas for their parking, with the number of available stalls for parking;
• The list of extra-urban roads and highways where it is mandatory to carry appropriate anti-skid devices or to drive with winter tires installed;
• The operational protocol to be followed in case of emergency;
• The main road arteries managed by Anas S.p.A. most exposed to snow risk;
• Road sections and areas for heavy vehicle accumulation in Northern Italy;
• Road sections and areas for heavy vehicle accumulation in Central Italy;
• Road sections and areas for heavy vehicle accumulation in Southern Italy and the Islands;
• The procedures to follow in case of freezing rain and/or fog;
• The surveillance plan for the railway network.
Companies are encouraged to carefully read the documentation provided: Snow Plan 2024/2025
Article available on the official website. To learn more and read the full article, visit the official website at the following link
Comment with Tresia Connect.
The Snow Plan 2024/2025, prepared by Viabilità Italia, represents an important step in managing road circulation issues during the winter season. For carriers and businesses operating in the exceptional transport sector, the planning and implementation of the measures outlined in the plan are crucial to ensure the safety and efficiency of operations. In this context, Tresia Connect provides essential support to the sector, specializing in obtaining permits for exceptional transports and assisting with technical escorts, which are especially critical in challenging weather conditions such as snow, ice, and fog. Thanks to its experience and expertise, Tresia helps carriers navigate regulations and obtain the necessary authorizations, minimizing risks and optimizing delivery times. Consulting the guidelines of the Snow Plan and working with an experienced partner like Tresia is the ideal combination to successfully tackle the challenges of the winter season while maintaining high safety standards and operational efficiency.
Contact us for a dedicated consultation and discover how we can simplify the management of your exceptional transports. We are here to help!